The art of getting smashed with panache. A modern girls guide to entertaining

The art of getting smashed with panache. A modern girls guide to entertaining


Taco Tuesday: El Paso, TX  edition

This month, we had a chance to spend time with our family and friends  in El Paso, TX.  Yes El Paso is the safest town in America, two years running, but most importantly, it thrives on it close relationship with Mexico. I spent a formidable part of my adolescence here and  attended high school in El Paso. During this time, we confidently would go between El Paso and Juarez, MX. As teenagers, we would take the bus unaccompanied to downtown El Paso and cross the bridge to Juarez for a day out buying candy, eating the best street meat in the world and drinking Aquas Frescas.  There was no fear, there was no tension as the cities relied on each other.  Today Juarez is healing from a recent outbreak of violence, but one thing they didn't do was break its spirit.  El Paso is very lucky to have the influence it does in culture, art and food from our neighbors. 

Today, I am joined by one of my childhood best friends, Monica Lewis and we  wanted to share with you a very low brow, yet delicious way to make tacos as well as some fun stories.  How do you get smashed with panache?

Picadillo Tacos

1 lb Ground Beef
1 Diced Tomato
1 diced White Onion
1 diced bell bepper
2 sliced jalapeños
1/2 cup chopped cilantro
2 Hass avacados
1 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/2 teaspoon Cumin
1/4 teaspoon of ground pepper
Salt and peper to taste
Vegetable Oil
Corn Tortillas
Shredded Lettuce

The Meat

Add 1 tablespoon of oil and heat. Add onion, garlic, bell pepper and tomatoes sautéed for 2-3 mins. Add ground beef and begin to brown. Add Garlic Powder, Cumin, Pepper and chopped Cilantro.  Cook until meat is brown and cooked. 

Taco shells

In a deep pan add 1/2 cup of vegetable oil and heat over Medium heat. To ensure that the oil is hot enough, dip an edge of the tortilla and listen for that sweet sound of frying. To make your own taco shells use tongs and grab the corn tortilla by the edge. Stick the tortilla in the hot oil all the way for 5 seconds and turn it over. Once on the second side (tortilla should still be flat) leave in oil for an additional 5 secs. At this point you have not let go of the tortilla  with those tongs, so fold the tortilla in on itself in half.  Very important to hold in place with tongs until the tortilla begins to harden and hold the shape. You can then let go and allow the corn tortilla to brown on its own. Flip the shell over to the other side to get it even brown. Make the crispiness to your liking and transfer to a plate with paper towels to let the oil drip off. Super healthy!! Cover with towel to keep them warm.

The fixings

Stuff the meat into your tasty taco shells. You can now add the fixings of your choice. Traditional additions include: shredded lettuce, cheese, jalapeños if that is your jam, tomatoes, onion, cilantro and hot sauce. 

And beer, of course, beer.


Pinatas: Badass Pinatas | Traditional Mexican garb: Juarez, Mexico |  Recipe: Monica Rodriquez Lewis | Music by Selena

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