#WCW: Costume Designer, Kit Scarbo

#WCW: Costume Designer, Kit Scarbo


In honor of New York Fashion Week, today's #womancrushwednesday is one of our favorite costume designers and the most stylish woman we know: Kit Scarbo. 

Photo courtesy of @kitscarbo

Name: Kit Scarbo
Location: Los Angeles
Current Role: Costume Designers Guild

Kit Scarbo lives and works in Los Angeles as a costume designer for film, television, theatre and music videos. You might recognize her from her appearance on Bravo's Project Runway, Season 4. Kit wears many hats: art director, designer, stylist and costume designer and is one of the most hardworking professionals in the business and one of the best friends anyone could ask for (I can personally attest to this). She was a natural choice for our Fashion Week Edition of our #WCW feature!

What was your career path to becoming a Badass?
As a tailor in a bespoke shop in Los Angeles. I met a client that I became a personal stylist for and that was my gateway into fashion styling.
Photo courtesy of @kitscarbo
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Ginseng Pureh tea and my 10 minute morning face mask.

Proudest Moment to date?
The premiere of my first feature film as a costume designer, "GBF" in New York.

What is your favorite daily expletive?

Favorite Badass Balloon?
Beat It Nerd!  (It's making the cut, right Desiree?)

When they make your biopic what is the scene that you are going to hope they leave out?
The night of my Shibari Birthday party was some very successful mania. In a beautiful private home, 20 of my best ladies were draped in Kimonos and lingerie. We spent the night learning how to get tied up and drinking sake and champagne until the sun came up. The evening was very.... knotty ;)

What's your best piece of advice for aspiring Badasses?
Commit to the the things you love. ​
Image courtesy of @kitscarbo.

Check back next week for more badassery!

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